Wearing Guides

In this guide, we empathize with the initial hurdles you might face and aim to transform those challenges into victories. Whether you're a newcomer or someone looking to refine their technique, our step-by-step instructions and helpful tips are designed to guide you through the process, making your contact lens experience not just hassle-free but enjoyable.
So, let's navigate through the common struggles together, turning each challenge into a triumph as you embrace the convenience and clarity that contact lenses offer.

Getting Started:

  1. Clean Hands:
    • Begin by washing your hands thoroughly with mild, fragrance-free soap and water. Dry them using a lint-free towel to avoid any residue.
  2. Prepare Your Workspace:
    • Choose a well-lit and clean area to handle your contact lenses. Ensure you have a mirror, tissues, and a quality contact lens solution nearby.

Using Hands to Wear Contact Lenses:

Inserting Your Lenses:

  1. Inspect the Lens:
    • Ensure your lens is clean, undamaged, and free from debris. If in doubt, discard and use a new one.
  2. Hold the Lens:
    • Using the index finger of your dominant hand, gently scoop the lens from its storage case.
  3. Eyelid Management:
    • Use your non-dominant hand to hold your upper eyelid open and your middle finger to pull down your lower eyelid.
  4. Focus Your Gaze:
    • Look straight ahead into a mirror. This helps prevent blinking during insertion.
  5. Place the Lens:
    • While looking directly at your reflection, place the lens gently on the center of your eye.
  6. Blink and Adjust:
    • Blink several times to allow the lens to settle. If needed, use your clean fingertip to gently reposition the lens.


Removing Your Lenses:

  1. Wash Your Hands:
    • Before removal, wash your hands again to avoid introducing dirt or bacteria to your eyes.
  2. Eyelid Management:
    • Use your non-dominant hand to hold your upper eyelid open and your middle finger to pull down your lower eyelid.
  3. Pinch and Remove:
    • Using your thumb and forefinger, pinch the lens gently and lift it off your eye. Be careful not to squeeze too tightly.
  4. Clean and Store:
    • Place the lens in the palm of your hand and rub it with the recommended contact lens solution before storing it in a clean case.

Using Tools to Wear Contact Lenses:

  1. Contact Lens Applicators:
    • If you find using your hands challenging, consider using specialized contact lens applicators. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper usage.
  2. Suction Cup Devices:
    • Some tools use suction cups to hold the lens. Place the suction cup on the lens, align it with your eye, and release the lens onto your eye.

General Tips for Comfortable Wear:

  • Practice Patience:
    • If you're new to wearing contact lenses, don't rush the process. Take your time to get comfortable with inserting and removing them.
  • Avoid Overuse:
    • Follow your eye care professional's recommendations on daily wear time to prevent discomfort and dryness.
  • Regular Eye Check-ups:
    • Schedule routine eye exams to ensure your prescription is up-to-date.


By following these guidelines, you'll master the art of wearing contact lenses, whether using your hands or specialized tools. If you have specific questions or concerns, feel free to contact our support team for personalized assistance.